Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Custom letters

I recently ran into LetterCult, a website dedicated to custom letters. It is a great way to get started if you aspire to be a type designer or are already one. The way it works is pretty simple: you have a fortnight to design the letter of current standing. It is then published and also updated for late entries. They are currently on letter "Q". What do I get from contributing to LetterCult? For one, I get to include a link to my website. And I get to check out other designers' work which is great when you are hunting around for inspiration.

Speaking of type designers, I highly recommend Jessica Hische's work when it comes to custom letters. Her work is worth drooling over. Head over to her website (http://jessicahische.com) to see it for yourself.

For now, I leave you with my custom letter "P" that I designed for LetterCult. I used a free vintage wallpaper that I found online as my background texture and created the letter itself on Ilustrator. Out of all the sketches I made, I liked the tongue-in-cheek way of using half of a vintage key to represent "P". 

“The work you do while you procrastinate is probably the work you should be doing for the rest of your life.” — Jessica Hische